Proud to Serve You
Founded in 2013 kamal restaurant is known for revolutionizing the way people eat and enjoy food. We take pride in our ability to discover the most unique flavors from around the world and share them with the chiba city.please Join us.
kamal restaurant is the place where great cooking indian and nepalese food and fantastic vibes meet. Our food is nutritious, delicious, and affordable, and we welcome diners young and old.

NEPALI FOOD ( グンドウルック バット)
The Perfect Choice
ほうれん草を干したスープカレー (グンドウルク )/バスマテイライス/ドライチキンマサラ/アチャル/チャトニ Many restaurants have their own take on this recipe, always prepared to perfection. Share it with friends or have it all to yourself.

KAMAL SET ( カマル セット)
The Perfect Choice
33種類のカレーの中から1種類をえらべられます.サラダ.ソフトドリンク.ナンまたはライス.ナンのおかわり自由です.we’r always prepared to perfection. Share it with friends or have it all to yourself—you’ll enjoy it till the very last bite.

CHEESE NAN SET ( おすすめセット)
The Perfect Choice
33種類のカレーの中から1種類をえらべられます.サラダ.ソフトドリンク.チーズナン.プレーンナンまたはライスのおかわり自由です.we’re always prepared to perfection. Share it with friends or have it all to yourself—you’ll enjoy it till the very last bite.

PANIPURI (パニープリ-)
Served All Day
Many restaurants have their own take on this recipe, but we’re confident that ours is the best,

DRINKS ( ドリンク )
The Perfect Choice
おすすめソフトドリンクはマンゴーラッシー/ラッシー/アイスチャイホットチャイになります。We serve also indian beer / whisky/ Rum / wine / Nepali Sochu / Rum /Beer Japanese Beer / sochyu/ Nihonsyu Soft drinks

Served All Day
マトンセクワ焼いた羊肉です。we’ve managed to put a new spin on an old classic. we use fresh ingredients and offer a variety of extras on the side.

33種類のカレー 33 ITEMS OF CURRY
The Perfect Choice
33種類のカレーの中からえらべられます.Many restaurants have their own take on this recipe, we are always prepared to perfection. Share it with friends or have it

Served All Day
( 焼いたチキン) This latest addition to our menu has already become our customers’ favorite.

The Perfect Choice

TURMERIC RICE ( タルマリークライス )
Served All Day
タルマリークライスMany restaurants have their own take on this recipe, but we’re always prepared to perfection. Share it with friends or have it all to yourself—you’ll enjoy it till the very last bite.

TOMATO SOUP ( トマトスープ )
The Perfect Choice
トマト🍅スープThis latest addition to our menu has already become our customers’ favorite. Soup of the Day.

BIRYANI ( ビリャニ ) ( 風焼き飯 )
Customer Favorite
インド、ネパール風焼き飯インドのバスマティ ライスになります。

ランチ S セット
Top Seller